Ideogenic Jurisdiction

Did you know…

that there are natural diseases, but also specific diseases of the mind?

Within Heilkunst, we distinguish between primary, tonic diseases and secondary, pathic diseases. (See previous blog: Two Types of Disease) For primary, tonic diseases, we can view them in four groups based on the principles of causes:

– irritant actions – involving some form of shock or trauma, forming the basis for the treatment of most accidents (first-aid) and emotional traumas.

– microbial actions – involving the various germs carrying certain infectious and contagious diseases, such as the childhood and tropical diseases

– drug actions – involving various drugs which are at base poisons and can all engender their own form of disease (termed ‘side-effects).

– actions based on ignorance –  involving various layers of false beliefs that compromise our health

We call the last group of diseases from mind/belief actions, ideogenic diseases. The ideogenic diseases arise from within the soul of man. The origin of all ideogenic disease is ignorance, or man’s lack of knowledge about himself and the world. Our separation from the Divine Source means that we struggle to know what is the right action, to know what is real and what is an illusion or delusion. In the face of uncertainty and doubt, we fill the vacuum created by our un-knowing with beliefs. These beliefs are assertions of the mind as to what we believe to be true, but do not know to be so. We use these beliefs as stand-ins for knowledge and base our actions upon them. The problem with beliefs is that they are often false, and thus, our actions are also false and harmful.

By its very nature, belief is based on a degree of fear (because we don’t actually know, we only think we know). We become very defensive if such beliefs are challenged in any way. Instead of being open to the truth, when our beliefs are challenged, we work very hard to defend them. Often we are not aware that we are defending a (false) belief, as we ‘believe’ it was true! The problem is that a rigid mind-set goes hand in hand with false beliefs. But with that our health certainly suffers the consequences. An example is the belief that eating meat is unhealthy, or conversely, that you have to be a vegetarian to be healthy. Regardless of one’s personal views on the raising and killing of animals, it is a matter of science whether meat or vegetables might be needed or beneficial to a certain person. I remember one case of a woman complaining of chronic fatigue who was a vegetarian, and yet based on our analysis should have been eating some form of fish or meat, at least in small quantities. Despite her improvement in other areas with treatment, her fatigue remained. When she finally agreed to try a small amount of organic, grass-fed beef, her energy level went up significantly. While we can choose to act based on beliefs, as is our individual prerogative, we must be aware of the health consequences that go along with them. We may not ‘like’ natural laws, but they are laws nonetheless and have consequences for our health if we ignore them.

There are various layers in the ideogenic diseases. The secondary and tertiary layers can be treated with remedies that match the state of mind of the disease/belief that is distorting our ability to perceive reality and act accordingly. However, in the original layer, to dismantle the various false beliefs we will need to replace ignorance with science. We mean science not in the narrow, materialistic sense, but in the sense of the method for approaching and understanding the world and its various laws so that we can act according to truth. These laws involve laws of mother nature (such as the law of gravity, conservation of energy, of motion, but also of biological life), laws of human nature (such as laws of economics – e.g. supply and demand, diminishing return, division of labor), and spiritual laws (e.g. Ten Commandments, but also other laws such as the Golden Rule (what you do to others will be done unto you), the laws of love and of forgiveness). This is a vast area to deal with and takes us into the world of philosophy, epistemology and science in its deepest, broadest and highest sense – natural, cultural and super sensible. Heilkunst treatment helps people to open their mind to new possibilities and to gain their objective understanding of the world. It is a therapy that is educational and an education that is therapeutic!

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(John 8:32 King James version) By finding our own path to truth and abiding in truth, only thus can we become free, including free from illness and disease. Heilkunst’s system of healthcare addresses simple matters such as bruises and sprains, more complex issues such as acute and chronic infectious diseases, drug-induced diseases, and profound diseases of the mind (stemming ultimately from a lack of knowledge). It is a comprehensive approach, based on the laws of nature and the super sensible world. Freedom and happiness follows on true health, of mind and body.

For more information about Heilkunst treatment and studies please visit our website.

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